Tag Archives: New Developements


8 Jun


Guess who caused quite the sensation on the OS this morning? It was none other than my dear,sweet,lovely,pretty,kind and fashionable(that’s important)friend…
…Elke von Schnitzen-Gruben(formerly of Detroit and the UK). She was totally out of control, but in a good way. I was hoping she was going to fire this baby up and hightail over to my place, to help me with the gardening. No such luck, so now I have to use the shovel to dig holes(ugh). Elke is crazy about Crown Point, she totally thinks it’s the next big thing. We were investigating all the new developments that are happening on the street. We’re hoping for a new restaurant, or maybe a dive bar… now that would be cool.

Dear Elke is jet setting off to England for her summer holidays, lucky lass she is. Have a safe trip my little schnitzel and bring me back lots of gorgeous little things!